Money Misfit, a website dedicated to research and guides on personal finance for the unconventional worker, has acquired the domain name (“SAHM Jobs Center”).
An important thing to note is that this was only an acquisition of the domain name rather than the brand SAHM Jobs Center, and has nothing to do with this domain acquisition. The owner of SAHM Jobs Center let the domain expire, allowing anyone to reregister it.
This domain acquisition brings together two leaders in their respective fields: Money Misfit is known for creating content to help unconventional workers learn more about personal finance; SAHM Jobs Center is known for providing high quality content on remote and work from home jobs for moms.
Money Misfit has redirected the website to show it is now a part of Money Misfit and will be doing more work in this space in the future.
The domain acquisition is important because it’s meant to raise awareness that bringing together complementary approaches to helping people learn more about alternative types of employment.
The mission of Money Misfit is to promote education, research, and collaboration in the fields of personal finance and alternative employment.
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